Liberty Bell
- The Liberty Bell march
- 리버티 벨 존 필립 Sousa (1854-1932), 뉴욕 군사 밴드에 의해 연주에 의해 3 월. 에디슨 블루 Amberol에 기록: 3220.
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The Liberty Bell 소개
"The Liberty Bell" (1893) is an American military march composed by John Philip Sousa.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "The Liberty Bell (march)" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "The Liberty Bell (march)" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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We have selected some printed editions we think may be useful.
- The Liberty Bell
- $8.00
- Concert band
- Alfred Publishing
- The Liberty Bell
- $60.00
- Hal Leonard