안토닌 드보르자크
31 pieces found
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- 교향곡 9번
Piano Four-Hands Publisher Info.: Berlin: N. Simrock, 1894. Plate 10275. First edition. 《교향곡 9번 마단조 작품번호 95 "신세계로부터"》는 《신세계 교향곡》이라는 이름으로도 알려진 작품으로, 안토닌 드보르자크가 미국에 방문중이던 1893년 작곡되었다. 드보르자크의 가장 유명한 교향곡이면서 현대 레파토리중에서도 자주...
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- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 95, B. 178
- 유머레스크
No. 7 For this violin and piano arrangement it has been transposed into G major, since G♭ major is a difficult key for a violinist to play in. Humoresques, Op. 101, is a piano cycle by the Czech composer An...
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- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- 바이올린, 피아노
- 작품번호
- Op. 101
- 유머레스크
No. 7 Humoresques, Op. 101, is a piano cycle by the Czech composer Antonín Dvořák, written during the summer of 1894. One writer says "the seventh Humoresque is probably the most famous small piano work eve...
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- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- 피아노
- 작품번호
- Op. 101
- Slavonic Dances series 2
No. 2 in E minor (Starodávny) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
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- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 72, B. 145
- Violin Sonata in F major
Full score - 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- 바이올린, 피아노
- 작품번호
- Op. 57 B. 106
- Te Deum
Chorus, 피아노 For soprano, bass, chorus and orchestra.
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- 안토닌 드보르자크
- 작품번호
- Op. 103, B. 176
- 첼로 협주곡
첼로, 피아노 Publisher: London-Hamburg: N. Simrock, n.d. Plate 10540. 첼로 협주곡 나단조 작품 104, B.191은 미국 시대의 안토닌 드보르자크의 향수(鄕愁)가 낳은 명작으로 1895년 2월에 일단 완성, 같은해 6월 손질을 하여 지금의 형태로 되었다. 드보르자크가 미국의 흑인이나 인디언의 민족음악과 모국 체코의 민족음악과...
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- 안토닌 드보르자크
- 작품번호
- Op. 104
- Violin Concerto
Violin & Piano reduction The Violin Concerto in A minor, Op. 53, is a concerto for violin and orchestra composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1879. It was premiered in Prague in 1883 by František Ondříček, who also gave the Vienna an...
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- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- 바이올린, 피아노
- 작품번호
- Op. 53, B. 96
- Slavonic Dances series 2
No. 5 in B-flat minor (Špacírka) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
- 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 72, B. 145
- Slavonic Dances series 2
- Carnival Overture
Full Score The concert overture Carnival, Op. 92, B. 169, was written by Antonín Dvořák in 1891. It is part of a "Nature, Life and Love" trilogy of overtures written by Dvořák, forming the second "Life" part. Th...
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- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- 관현악단
- 작품번호
- Op. 92, B. 169
- Slavonic Dances Series 1
No. 1 in C major (Furiant) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
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- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 46, B. 78
- Slavonic Dances Series 1
- 8 Waltzes
피아노 - 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
- 작품번호
- Op. 54, B. 101
- 8 Waltzes
- Suite in A major "American"
피아노 - 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
- 작품번호
- Op. 98, B 184
- Slavonic Dances Series 1
No. 6 in D major (Sousedská) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
- 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 46, B. 78
- Slavonic Dances Series 1
- Slavonic Dances Series 1
No. 4 in F major (Sousedská) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
- 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 46, B. 78
- Slavonic Dances Series 1
- Slavonic Dances Series 1
No. 3 in A-flat major (Polka) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
- 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 46, B. 78
- Slavonic Dances Series 1
- Slavonic Dances Series 1
No. 8 in G minor (Furiant) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
- 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 46, B. 78
- Slavonic Dances series 2
No. 1 in B major (Odzemek) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
- 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 72, B. 145
- Slavonic Dances series 2
- Slavonic Dances series 2
No. 3 in F major (Skočná) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
- 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
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- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 72, B. 145
- Slavonic Dances series 2
- Slavonic Dances series 2
No. 4 in D-flat major (Dumka) The Slavonic Dances are a series of 16 orchestral pieces composed by Antonín Dvořák in 1878 and 1886 and published in two sets as Op. 46 and Op. 72 respectively. Originally written for piano four hand...
- 작곡가
- 안토닌 드보르자크
- 악기
- Piano Four-Hands
- 작품번호
- Op. 72, B. 145
- Slavonic Dances series 2