The Space City
- 작곡가
- Bruno Martin Maiello
- 형
- 재즈
- Tonality
- 나장조
- Year composed
- 2018
- Place of composition
- Buenos Aires
- 악기
- Band
- Cycle
- Official music of the city
- Houston
- Band
- Houston, Bayou City
- Tenor Sax
- The space city
- 관현악단
- Swing Band Music
- 재판지
- Houston, USA.
- 브루노 M. Maiello, 휴스턴의 아름 다운 시를 전용 하 여 구성 하는 음악.
Musical piece dedicated to the city of Houston. And to his work in the space race throughout the history in the United States. The music has a mix of jazz swing and Mexican color arrangements, due to its proximity to that country.