토카타와 푸가 (Toccata and Fugue)



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《토카타와 푸가 라단조》(Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565)는 바흐가 작곡한 오르간 음악이다.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "토카타와 푸가 라단조" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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bg:Токата и фуга в ре минор, de:Toccata und Fuge, es:Tocata y fuga, fr:Toccata et fugue, ko:토카타와 푸가, it:Toccata e fuga, he:טוקטה ופוגה ברה מינור, nl:Toccata en Fuga, ja:トッカータとフーガニ短調, no:Toccata & Fuge, nn:Toccata og fug, pl:Toccata i fuga, pt:Tocata e Fuga, sr:Токата и фуга, sv:Toccata och fuga, th:ทอคคาตา แอนด์ ฟิวก์ ในบันไดเสียง ดี ไมเนอร์